Some people are concerned about me, because I admire Amy Carlson, Mother God, and I also admire many members of Love Has Won and I have only good things to say about Love Has Won. The ones who are concerned about me need not worry. I am Catholic Christian and my Lord and Savior is My Master Jesus Christ, The Messiah. A lot of people think that Christianity is the only path to salvation and to Heaven. I don’t feel and think that way. I think all religions and spiritual paths to include some cults are catalysts to religious and spiritual awakenings. In other words to higher realities which also includes to Heaven. For over 50 years I have associated and studied with Buddhists, Jainists, Hindus, Christians, Jewish people, Eckists from the Spiritual Movement Eckankar, and other people in some other religions. I have practiced many spiritual techniques and have mastered many of them for almost 54 years. Amy Carlson, Mother God, and members of Love Has Won have paid their dues (so to speak) in spirituality and have become beautiful, dynamic individuals, mainly because of Amy Carlson and Love Has Won. I feel that Love Has Won Spiritual Path should be spread throughout this world because it is a viable, brilliant path to love and higher states of consciousness and higher realities to include Heaven. During the Roman Empire, it was said, “All Roads Lead to Rome.” With infinite unconditional love namaste everybody!
Some More Information About me, John